View Full Version : 3 window softtop for NA - where?!

08-04-2014, 03:28 PM
Hello Mazdaroadster!

When it comes time to change out my soft top I want a 3 window top, but I am unable to find any for sale. HELP


Grip Driver
08-04-2014, 03:34 PM

08-04-2014, 04:20 PM
Thank you, I hope to find one with zippered rear window. But if that isn't available this is a good and cheap option.

08-04-2014, 11:07 PM
A zippered 3-window top used to be available about a decade ago but it is unlikely that you will find one in new condition now. I searched for a while but no one makes them any more nor could I find them in stock. You can find the ziperless version for pretty cheap but you will likely get creases in the windows and I wouldn't expect to get as much long term use before needing a replacement.

The Miata MX-5 soft top frame is just not designed for the use of a 3-window top. The "vintage" look actually comes from the vintage design of the soft top frame used in many of the earlier roadsters. In many of those designs the windows could (had to) be completely removed and stored separately. Even if you find a zippered rear window top, you can still expect the quarter windows to crease. The use of a pool noodle will help in minimizing creases in your windows when the top is down.

Here is a thread that gives a good list of options, including a Nakamae zippered wide window option if visibility is a concern:

GoMiata has a couple of ziperless versions:



08-05-2014, 08:02 AM
You'll end up with a quarter window like this :(

http://i1249.photobucket.com/albums/hh514/MartVerd/Italiarear_zps6d683c75.jpg (http://s1249.photobucket.com/user/MartVerd/media/Italiarear_zps6d683c75.jpg.html)

10-24-2014, 06:10 PM
I have this top; I personally love the extra visibility and think it looks pretty good too

10-25-2014, 06:47 PM
It's a shame that these are a bit flawed by design, I wouldn't mind one.

10-25-2014, 08:03 PM
I do love mine, but it's true they tend to get a crease when left down for a long time.

10-26-2014, 02:34 AM
I like them and would not mind one for my black roadster but certain angles don't look right. Likewise I think it really only suits a retro styled roadster only.

10-26-2014, 11:52 AM
Oldcafe's three window top. So nice.

https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/1904243_1490555454564930_2902662245786983917_n.jpg ?oh=f970695f9b2f94cc3de7f51703d2a15f&oe=54B679F3&__gda__=1424983630_c77eb35543af63be813697197ac2bd0 5

https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/p180x540/1383331_1490555541231588_7150166140848829332_n.jpg ?oh=b7b065760002d980c3ed3492e57e4753&oe=54DF6D9B&__gda__=1424026027_6cf855ef2fef89826cee08ba67947ca d

10-26-2014, 12:28 PM
That looks so good!

10-26-2014, 01:33 PM