Hi Everyone;

Well we're getting closer to the big day so I wanted to get the bug back into peoples ears for the 2nd Miata / MX-5 Friday 13th Event which will be on September 13th this year at Pinafore Park in St. Thomas, Ontario.

For this year I have changed the time a little based on last years attendance, for 2013 the event will start at 1pm and continue until ~ 7pm, last year a group of attendee's left the park at that time in a convoy heading for dinner in Port Stanley, it seemed such a good idea that a time change was warranted.

Unfortunately, I don't have a web host this year so in lieu of that I have created an email account just for this event where interested people can contact me for details such as site information, nearby hotels & restaurants etc. That email is; mx5_friday13@rogers.com

Last year the event drew 27 Miata / MX-5's, a good showing in year one, I would really love to see this number double in 2013.


I will be contacting Mazda dealerships and Miata Clubs over the next few weeks to get things rolling.

Friday the 13th shouldn’t be just for bikers

Calling all Mazda Miata / MX-5 owners, let’s give Port Dover some competition!