Jay of Tuning Done Right and 42 Dyno in Concord, NC have come together to offer a special pre-Miatas In Boone dyno tune deal.

42 Dyno is inside 42 Autosports, near Charlotte. I'm not related to this deal, just spreading the word, since they are doing it in conjunction with MiB. This is a rare opportunity for folks in this area, and I posted the details on the MiB website. Here's the highlights:

Jay Pabon of Tuning Done Right will be having the NC ('06-'13) Dyno and Tune day.

Wednesday, Sept 18 (The day before the official start of MiB)

9:00 am to 1:00 pm

42 Dyno, in Concord, NC - Attached to 42 Autosports.

Cost $445
Includes Tune and 4 Pulls (2 before and 2 after tune)