View Full Version : Been selected for a track day, need advice.

09-12-2014, 02:46 PM
I entered a contest on one of the biggest car blogs in the Netherlands, and contest is as-follows:


"Together with BP (large petrol station franchise here) we would like to show what premium fuels do for your engine, and because of this, we are organizing a track day on a local track.

During the day we will have a variety of driving tests. Also, there will be a special demo car to really show off the differences between regular 98RON fuel and 98 Ultimate.

We would like to know why we should choose you to come to this track day. Give us your best reason, and september 22th we'll go with you to the track. The 2 winners are eligible to win 1 year of free BP Ultimate fuel, and 2 tickets for the DTM finals in Hockenheim aswell! "

Well, a month later, and turns out I was one of the guys picked out to come down to the track day. I asked if we would be driving our own cars, but the staff said I would probably be put in one of the demo cars.
No official words on this though, but I am led to believe this would be a track-prepped BMW 135i.

Now, why am I opening this thread? Well, I have never been on a real race track before. I have about 10 years of experience in driving simulators, and been proven good at that. I am absolutely convinced this made me a better driver than the average 'beginner'. This doesn't change the fact that of course, I am still a beginner.

Now that you know of my situation, I would like to know the best advice from anyone who thinks they can contribute to this thread. Even if it would only make a 1% difference to me being a better competitor, it is very welcome because I'll be competing with people with a LOT more seat time than I have, since I have none. Every little bit helps. I know there is sadly no substitute for seating time, though.

I could really use the free fuel since I am pretty strapped on cash at the moment.

09-14-2014, 11:29 AM
Smooth is fast
Look ahead
Brake in a straight line

09-15-2014, 05:41 AM
Firstly, is it a competition? You write "competitor" but i'm guessing you're not invited to a race. There will be experienced people there, talk to them. Get a few tutored laps. It'll be a whole new thing, in an unfamiliar car. Be humble and enjoy it!

09-15-2014, 06:17 AM
It is indeed a competition, who completes the series the fastest is the winner. 2 hours of autocross-like events, and 1 hour of oval track.. They're being vague about it, presumably because there will be tests like minimise fuel consumption and such. Any global tips are welcome, but I reckon it's pretty hard when even I'm not told what I have to do with the car exactly..

09-15-2014, 06:30 AM
Aha! I read it as you won this trackday and 1 year of free BP Ultimate fuel and the tickets for the DTM finals. Sorry 'bout that!
Well, then be smooth, look ahead and brake in a straight line :D

kung fu jesus
09-15-2014, 01:59 PM
OK, will there be instruction? If so, listen_to_the_instructors. A track day is not a competition and turns into a shit fest when in becomes one. The whole point to a track day is to improve your skills and have fun.

09-15-2014, 05:02 PM
There will be 45 minutes of instruction, but it is not solely ment for improving driver skills, it really is to win showing driving skills. I think we don't have to set fast laptimes (sadly).

kung fu jesus
09-15-2014, 07:50 PM
Well, start practicing. Drivers I know do use simulators, but the translation can be difficult if you aren't familiar with the techniques. Other than that, grip it and rip it! Have fun with it!

09-15-2014, 10:10 PM
They're not going to just throw you, someone they don't know and probably assume has little or no experience (a fact that you should make sure they are aware of just in case), out onto a fast and dangerous racetrack and tell you to "go fast".

Odds are, they'll probably be walking you through some training throughout the day, starting with car control in an autocross environment, and working up to the full race track. And then when they finally do put you on the race track, you'll start out with an instructor present in the car at least until they're sure you're not going to crash their car and/or kill yourself.

Best advice, as others have said: be humble. Take any instruction offered. ASK for instruction. (Again, I expect that's going to be a big part of their plan, anyway) Never drive beyond your abilities. If you "win", great. If not, you'll still have FUN, and that's the point.

09-22-2014, 02:44 PM
FUN is exactly how I would describe my experience today. The car we drove was a 1.4l VW Golf 7.. :slayer:

I was the youngest of the 6 contestants, 1 of which was a female racing driver, another guy was working at BMW/Mini, the other contestants I do not know the background of. That being said, I got nervous. Very nervous. Which 20-year-old little shit could possible take up a licensed racing driver?

At first, we did an AutoX course on dry tarmac. We got 2 test laps, and the 3rd would be our final lap and setting our times. Then, we did a slippery course over a snow-like substance. 1 test lap, 2nd lap for setting the time. Then, we did a braking-in-the-wet test, making sure to stop exactly inside of the box without hitting the cones on the front of the box. Lastly, we did an evasive manoeuvre test (also 'moose test') on wet slippery tarmac.

I thought I did okay, but I was pretty sure I wasn't the fastest. I saw a lot of room for improvement on my autox lap, and I just hoped I just wasn't in the last place.

Needless to say, I put down the fastest lap times on both timed courses, and the evasive manoeuvre test was 'performed excellently'.
Eyes on the prize:

I took home a goodie bag, and a fuel station debit card with 1250 euros on it! :teehee:

09-22-2014, 02:49 PM

09-22-2014, 02:51 PM
I will post the video made by the filming crew when it is released, maybe there's some action shots and weird faces by me! :winky:

09-22-2014, 02:56 PM
Couldn't have said it better ;)

kung fu jesus
09-22-2014, 05:03 PM
That's a lot of vowels.

12-10-2014, 11:38 AM
Wow, that's a pretty awesome gig you just got to do. Congrats!

I would not mind having one years worth of fuel being paid for.

12-17-2014, 06:41 PM
I completely forgot about posting the video. Nothing spectacular, but proud nonetheless.

Video is located here (probably a short ad before the video starts): http://www.abhd.nl/video/bp-trackday-2014/