View Full Version : RM Black Friday 2014 Liquidation Sale

11-25-2014, 01:00 AM
In the spirit of Black Friday sales, and the need to make some room for new products, I am liquidating a few choice pieces. Please see below:

Description: RM limited edition oil caps are machined from billet 6061 aluminum and comes with a tin with a round cover (to match the dome on the caps), and o-ring to ensure proper sealing and no leaks.
MSRP: $64.00
Black Friday Price: $38.00. Coupon code: BFOILCAP. (use all caps)
Link: http://www.retromoderngroup.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&product_id=90

RM Door Pull Anchors w/ Eunos logo
Description: The modular door pulls are designed to accept a 1" wide nylon or leather strap. The kit comes complete with mounting screws, and special hex key to secure the caps. Note: The door pulls being offered are not hand finished. See picture below.
MSRP: $100.00
Black Friday price: $65.00. Use coupon code: BFDOORPULL (use all caps).
Link: http://www.retromoderngroup.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=59_60&product_id=52

Retro-inspired Toggle Power Window Switch Plates for NA Roadsters.
Description. From our DIY line, we're offering Roadster enthusiasts who want to mod their own toggle switch assemblies a mounting plate with etched up and down logos. The plates will also come with 2x stainless steel mounting screws (as shown). Material is 6061 brushed aluminum.
MSRP: $25
Black Friday Price: $18. Use coupon code: BFNAPLATE
Link: http://www.retromoderngroup.com/shop/index.php?route=product/product&path=59_60&product_id=91

Sales begins on the 28th, and ends the following Tuesday. Thanks again for all of your support.

11-25-2014, 06:37 AM
sale starts the 28th folks!! Don't miss out on these killer prices, I know I won't! :bow:

how many of each part do you have left in stock Ken?

11-25-2014, 01:24 PM
Door Pulls: 35+ units available.
DIY NA Toggle Mounting Plates: 24 units available.
Oil Caps: 28 units available.

I should also note that i have a large stack of B stock quality toggle switch mounting plates as well. They do not have any arrow etching on them. I'm blowing those out for $5 each.

11-25-2014, 01:44 PM
How much for the finishing washers? Will it fit any toggle switch?

11-25-2014, 04:48 PM
The finishing washers are hand made to order, thus no discount. They will not automatically fit every toggle switch out there since there are at least 3 variations in the threading that ive already encountered. There may be more. If you're interested in a set, you'll need to find out what the thread pitch is for your particular set of toggle switches and let me know.

11-25-2014, 08:37 PM
I should also note that i have a large stack of B stock quality toggle switch mounting plates as well. They do not have any arrow etching on them. I'm blowing those out for $5 each.

Will the B stock quality mouting plate fit nb? Is it the same as the regular plate,but it just does not have the arrow etching?

11-26-2014, 02:48 PM
sorry, i should have clarified that the B stock is the NA version. it looks identical to the ones with the arrows, but there are scratches and/or splatter from the laser cutting into it. Its all serviceable with some sanding, or painting. its really just a cheaper alternative for people who want to do their own thing.

11-26-2014, 05:45 PM
Is the nb plate included on black friday sale?

11-26-2014, 09:41 PM
I wasn't going to but sure. I can send you a PP invoice.

11-26-2014, 10:26 PM
I also want the b stock quality for na. My paypal is quy_n318@yahoo.com. Thanks

11-28-2014, 11:22 AM
The coupon doesn't seem to be working for me for the oil cap.

11-28-2014, 11:33 AM
The coupon doesn't seem to be working for me for the oil cap.

This. Just tried to apply the coupon code and it came back as invalid or expired.

11-28-2014, 12:17 PM
Each product has a separate discount code, make sure you are using the correct one.

Also, It seems you can only use the coupon for ONE transaction. So not sure if there is a way around this?

However I was able to get the oil cap, use the coupon, and it DOES show the discount at CHECKOUT, not before.

Try again guys, or maybe send Ken a email? I will ask him to post on here shortly

11-28-2014, 12:23 PM
try it now. thanks

11-28-2014, 12:52 PM
Order placed!

11-29-2014, 03:13 PM
All orders are being processed today. If you want anything else in the store, PM me and ill see if i can get you a deal on it.

11-29-2014, 06:35 PM
are these sales running again on Cyber Monday?

11-29-2014, 07:12 PM
yes, the sale is running through end of monday.

I'm adding this discontinued part to the sale as well. PM me with your PP email for an invoice. Will need to know which one you want, and shipping zip code.

Cyclone Lai stainless steel 22 gauge cup holder for the NA Miata. These things are robust, not flimsy metal. The ring is machined aluminum. Prices are also way below my cost so take advantage of it while they last.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10806471_740640426029323_8052272982930255006_n.jpg ?oh=b2b147714fc85c110d8f1b592262a1d5&oe=550D9EAE&__gda__=1427031960_419c6907c6311872d50ca916bae775f c

11-29-2014, 08:39 PM
Pm sent! Also ordered an oil cap earlier today.

11-30-2014, 02:02 AM
That oil cap is damned nice... and once MJ becomes legal in FL, that container will become a cult classic.

11-30-2014, 03:12 AM
lol, well I'm all for legalized mj so lets hope FL get with it.

12-01-2014, 12:52 PM
Monday morning bump.