View Full Version : The silver sleeze

03-24-2021, 09:31 PM
It's been a couple years since I sold my last miata. 99 green in my signature. Of course, like everyone on here it didn't take too long to start itching. I was riding my motorcycle a couple weeks ago and just wanted to be out of the wind. I realized I was thinking about a miata so I set about hunting a cheap. It needed more features than the green (base model). I found the Sleeze.

It is all kinds of crusty and the top is ruined, it wouldn't even go up. I'm really not a fan of the tan interior and set out to find a black.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dVI26qmXW3o7-2dKfephegas5fMDbCJ7-Q8MhziezMmGOspD30TJHF1Gv1Vgj5ehpnn0iLMMYRR4MmhB-lt5Ku6sIPhgdLzXZmQGj_Nnbd_x7FYphAzShUIJlq9MTwXfVj0 dd28lnr8L89Hn-RNnL5Jw=w1024-no?authuser=0
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3d-kcdCGzd7tuwSISK0RTO7KCkZstS9wZSxNQLk2QltxbqegVRlR0 n8ZM5gdLAsBytXdclPdFXufiRSFggjbSEQJpm1KYdgz39neeZx 31lTxYEXZIz0IKMDbWSJU83DI843HibLa7ZChPFT5dUWpkdBDg =w1024-no?authuser=0
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fTHQWnOrNczoYO_5qUW9eX3quG3opRRSBLtW-X-WROF3rUhJbg2BdheA_M_fndh1jxRCXuiozGiC5nx3olMeCDiZ2 dHPilvbGIo7iwxZVWILezg_1vwl3QRmCslQmJlWNG8pQA-oc5u5nCCN-tEcijtQ=h768-no?authuser=0
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cUKI5zMSEj6Ihy8wXA7OcyeHTRCoEpdiR2XRtkLQwnAoXOeXT lGal6t6B08-cO2d8m63oeOTT0LlzIqgszRr_sbkCFeb_rAXuutN9hWY0eRX4P XwWR72bUYrZ1WRHlL3soLTtwjy5BmAjPwoe5VX5qlw=h768-no?authuser=0

Of course, I began stripping it and cleaning what I could prepping for the interior.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fURj_BksjHlboFD-3VdEHB6lfk3_7Hb0ZT_YDffIc2F9d-seogB-AOojNWwhE3hk27MyRnNynZQJWmE_aLM8Xr4Uj56AX_mtfvcf_X 3ApIyHjv6Nn0JC4pDE66lSLgOig5AKurZaB2FOT6dkSTR841Gg =h768-no?authuser=0
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fbATxgoUsvMpsIXZmRipHt2xNxpx5LspT2eLfPzzkxi2eFj5x _pQKUcW9QQLcx7wGtM98G5yUq7K2w2U6f0o0biRwNh2aVMn_SU joPaEG87zSQdJWTTinbHhegZ51iccEqbR7eGTqW7LA6nwufgDV qSw=h768-no?authuser=0

A nice local guy was selling a ton of NA parts. I have been able to piece together a full black interior and and dash without airbags.

However the day I went to pick it all up he had actually picked up an NB interior for me from a friend. Sadly he wasn't able to get the carpet or seats, so for now I'm going to run NA seats and carpet.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ddi_pH64rIndX2F6_5ZMsyg49LoyzryuoptQlnjwPB_5NIbdS pBf9o9z_Q1ajndYXstbswxzXyG8RICgkalmDJUOeiWCZJhIfdg 0K815I-EIKUWluAOIvVEPc2CId1rSycZrCyOmNtl1bN5Bi72QgphQ=h76 8-no?authuser=0
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fpGdUfBq6czKM0wK52A2CPKQ7BDRoZMLSfBj44ZPfFEjtb_rd orM2yoTOpUDfSwUIchp0czzHGzj5Qbs97B8QvFBlHnzCJrXxv8 vXfhwApHRJzMJswbBeCAk_aP8cJ3sLC6iiOLzYeEcvHj497lY0 dng=h768-no?authuser=0

Ironically it was all (except the sills) from a 99 green base model being stripped.

Would anyone know where to get decent plugs to use in the door panels? I'm not quite ready to try a rewrap.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3eyYnwLiP2q3Qrw2SZHjZMkZh4jFWKUXur4Ls86AKg1odV3uFg oyRtEQA8iwWBCWSq6r8HedxcncMaQJW6rj-CxmSeCHBoaDhezZ-cuxDBA-2me6Z3VYEeNZg503YZbU85f7WJIwkvWRQeRiqbXi8kSzQ=h768-no?authuser=0.

Oh! I totally forgot to mention that me wifee decided to pick up one herself. She found a little white NA to fix up.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dQKfk0krjDQH8GVpop58IPFX4M3IxgvkH98Hajrmu82jb8FEz u13_DAncji_8wwX-XQI7pxiHItGjR_bbtSBVcbaaDvj6esXBOCDmC2lsQOHgEa-7sereZzLpzyCpNvFVLZXpfHBlFM_Ik8vKWTw1DZg=h768-no?authuser=0

Got both wedged into the Garage for now! For sure time to reorganize.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fmn-ZMxXs_1r2yxs8JO-gWrKAC9aOQCui7DxWVGaBRL_x3LwNK4cboqyHGTBjmlU6ZymEl S7quDSLCKyV0KDb4c0n2YASJuJKkc_CUnBL1u4lhFmIwDPopRN 1WHPp0q83MZpI_U6rm2iqQnCbI1Ulm5g=h768-no?authuser=0

Will update with photos asap.

Generic soft top w/attached rain rail arrives soon and carpet this weekend. Tune ups for both next... Thanks

kung fu jesus
03-25-2021, 05:28 AM
I see you are in TN by the license plates. I know this interior swap routine. ;) You can see what I did in my build thread.

When you pull the dash, I highly recommend replacing the heater core and o rings as preventative maintenance.

You could pull the old carpet, power wash it, dye it black, and reinstall.

03-25-2021, 07:45 AM
LRB makes some nice aluminum replacement covers for that rusty gas tank cover.



03-25-2021, 08:43 AM
There's something therapeutic in bringing stuff back to their former glory, and it seems you are very much on the right path. What are the overall plans for it?

The covers Randy posted are super nice and might help shed some weight off. I always wanted to re-make mine out of carbon fiber (every bit helps!) until I realized the large one had some pretty hefty reinforcement welded on the backside (04 NB2) which presumably helps with stiffness.

Demon I Am
03-25-2021, 10:47 AM
What a great looking starting point! Congrats on the find.

03-25-2021, 09:02 PM
I see you are in TN by the license plates. I know this interior swap routine. ;) You can see what I did in my build thread.

When you pull the dash, I highly recommend replacing the heater core and o rings as preventative maintenance.

You could pull the old carpet, power wash it, dye it black, and reinstall.

Thanks for looking out. I will absolutely do that heater core. I am indeed TN, Tri-cities area. I have looked through your thread many times. Thanks for the quality!

LRB makes some nice aluminum replacement covers for that rusty gas tank cover.

This, this makes me sad. I actually just got some used OEM ones off of ebay for so close to that price my soul hurts. That is what I get for not doing enough digging.

There's something therapeutic in bringing stuff back to their former glory, and it seems you are very much on the right path. What are the overall plans for it?

The covers Randy posted are super nice and might help shed some weight off. I always wanted to re-make mine out of carbon fiber (every bit helps!) until I realized the large one had some pretty hefty reinforcement welded on the backside (04 NB2) which presumably helps with stiffness.

I have always wanted to try my hand at taking my time going through a car and just fixing things. I started to get a feeling for it with my green Miata, but the mileage was too high for me to sink into it. This seems to all be there just neglected. I will do my best to fix and restore what I can. I am a big ole fan of the OEM+ vibe but not exactly sure what that means except moderation with the mods.

Thanks for the responses all!

Got some generic clips and plugs. 1 inch seems to fit the window crank hole. It looks like an odd door belly button.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3csRrkwzVgfkZCNUFPQXnc5_WzUHmJgcU3eU2SDZbKdQEjGhKJ MkQUDFgMSPvgMD70iaTJLJxU3QSCy_99E1Q8TupFF5hU5xOuQb xXy0AWE_1Ht9II5Ev9HZ7lD7iya-yWjZg7BbP611zl0MqblBrD3zw=h768-no?authuser=0

I don't think a plug will fix this one.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3dGtccjJoPVPamJjd_xMxAo0ht2HjECxYNL14QxbuZjJ64WXV8 _olsynTsb7qy7qdhXXpX8IM3zTQ_9_LoZtZ_K5UQFFDePLJyw5 FXvej0HGOseUdFWa6GFJi-n37Yj8tWnvsGCanupNWLypTJHjDX7lA=h768-no?authuser=0

Finally for the night. Here is a shot of my wife's interior. :shock: (phrasing?)


03-25-2021, 09:30 PM
Also, This has been a big inspiration for me over the years.

This is a whole level more, but the B-movie Hallmark version for me... You get it.

kung fu jesus
03-26-2021, 09:41 PM
I like restoring cars similarly.

03-28-2021, 04:46 AM
When I was picking up my carpet yesterday the man offered me a frame rails/butterfly brace set. NIB for $350. Good deal?
Would you?
I'll be under there for my carpet anyway?
When I searched for a comparative price I just found a bunch of version 2.0 combos. I'm pretty sure this is version 1.0. Any suggestions would be great. Thanks.

03-28-2021, 06:46 PM
I have begun getting parts in to go through everything and clean up.
My soft top came in.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3f62iO6CEuAw2JTjk0j0fIgg-5J1YnYIEnmpgCpDhL_1iRUboT_KpAjTQGyMhNj_csAAWzF6tC7 zR818NvCtK_5DzcQdRPSFfAlg4WvHSTYQMOtybcmKlxJx1QbhS-V62Ob7agCyTtE8lx3-mFCHsvTlw=h600-no?authuser=0

Clips for days, I might even have enough.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3ekViZx7TIGrUrbxN8_sWkjakWWy44CcVHggp2_bAfoWWsMbpa fJAv128nc8NTMyBH7qwTUPxrTjycmwetVEZKgHj629_HbPXw3i ryPw2fe3VyULBlrv_iedwZISgLieazHAL16GF5P1xfgFCTRZu8 KYg=h600-no?authuser=0

We began cleaning and sorting the garage out for 2 miatas. The doors can now be opened. This led to a late night and a fire. Good times now that everything is heating up a bit.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3cyxZWTBupP9UJvQM8jIXH6SRfPUeMUbvc-ZS0ihAF6ju2gQKFUq6Kt8f1kO3EZxl-w68L5BJewcw0wlDugDaTFiDg8mQBL3a_IHR6qFSpNSIJtQStob b0HcXC-egMgOma6SmTDCQvvaXhggrH9GlpHbg=h600-no?authuser=0

Finally, weekend ended with bringing home the now spare NA interior. Figured why not get the dash and door panels since I was taking the carpet.
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3edzw5fVML3jlc2DdlSbWD9ciqlzsfihGq_3hqSmPruQDFObCL _ng7tPIoKFlQhDUI-I5jmVS2ybjUvyeKpzbJw0qbbYjXpa7ICuV9vADGh6FQhlgyj2b yOebGm9g1VCqPp12EbYXFyTDJD1Rj91wbZqQ=h600-no?authuser=0
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/ACtC-3fSkFqE8l-8JSeuHDrIIY4QgxDdp1DpaX2RJErUkCHQF_XPlmamkPLNYnf9Z WmJ03yq1bUBdhASnLnhZlUJYe20i5BHO0q3tdapkzeyGS2G5RN RB-tyS7OzW5gWhwwraTssGhMBdI6Cq_8KZQK-tK2_1A=h600-no?authuser=0

Wires and filters should be in by the 5th. Good times!

Anyone want to make suggestions on fluids? I plan on doing all and usually go with whatever is available locally for ease of replacement, but I'm trying to better ya know!

Thanks for taking a look.

kung fu jesus
03-28-2021, 08:40 PM
Never been a fan of the butterfly brace.

Use whatever fluids are available to you and fit the requirements of the car. Unless you are using the car outside usual parameters, not much need for exotic stuff.