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View Full Version : Increased inbox sizes for individuals that sell a lot

DK Wolf
08-30-2013, 06:57 AM
So.. back when I was selling a lot of stuff (and it'll happen again once I get settled in VA) I would frequently and easily fill up my inbox, missing PMs from others and opportunities etc etc.

How feasible is it to increase inbox sizes for individuals who sell quite a bit of stuff? Or at the very least have a warning that pops up when you approach 80%, 90%, 95% full? Because I don't realize I fill up my PM size limit until I try to send a PM and it tells me I can't.

I also would like the guys to revisit the possibility of having individuals pay for an "enhanced" experience, shit.. I'd pay to have my box increased, even monthly I'd kick a few bucks to the side for you guys.

08-30-2013, 09:29 AM
That's actually part of something we're looking into.

Another idea is how much would people pay to limit DK's posts to 5 char and PMs to 1. Might generate a lot more revenue.

08-30-2013, 09:51 AM
Another idea is how much would people pay to limit DK's posts to 5 char and PMs to 1. Might generate a lot more revenue.
I'm not sure this site needs that much money


08-30-2013, 10:05 AM
Another idea is how much would people pay to limit DK's posts to 5 char and PMs to 1. Might generate a lot more revenue.


That was good laugh there. I think the supporting members should be an option to look into. Only Miata site that actually gives back and doesn't ask for anything in return. I wouldn't mind a yearly subscription to MazdaRoadster.

08-30-2013, 01:42 PM
Yes we are looking into a couple options such as "Supporting Members" that would include larger inbox, name in Bold, and some fancy custom name titles, some MazdaRoadster Stickers, etc.

Demon I Am
08-30-2013, 01:43 PM

DK Wolf
08-30-2013, 04:05 PM
Another idea is how much would people pay to limit DK's posts to 5 char and PMs to 1. Might generate a lot more revenue.


Freakin' Nazis man!

08-30-2013, 04:39 PM
Where'd you find the ugly ass dude in the GIF? Fits perfectly.

DK Wolf
08-30-2013, 04:56 PM
Where'd you find the ugly ass dude in the GIF? Fits perfectly.

This ugly ass dude will show you his horrifying cuddling powers once it gets to the east coast.

08-30-2013, 05:00 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I knew that was you man. Just wanted to see how you would react. Nothing short of what I expected.

08-30-2013, 05:16 PM
Freakin' Nazis man!



DK Wolf
08-30-2013, 05:29 PM

08-30-2013, 05:40 PM
hahhahahaaha that one actually made me chuckle. :bow:

08-30-2013, 05:47 PM
I would enjoy an increased PM inbox limit. I seem to hit 50 or whatever it is pretty quickly now. Of course, I'm willing to donate...

08-30-2013, 07:46 PM
Yeah I am in.........."Supporting Members"!

09-02-2013, 03:44 PM
I love the Miata community. We love to share and donate

DK Wolf
09-28-2013, 11:30 PM
So.. what's the word?

And don't any of you nerds say bird...

Flyin 92
09-29-2013, 12:29 AM

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 12:36 AM
Of course it'd be you. nothing but pain and suffering for you Chris.. just.. pain.. and... suffering

09-29-2013, 12:37 AM

Freakin' Nazis man!

Hahahahaha! It's an economy of scale my friend. Technically, it's a flip of the admin switch but behind the scenes is the overhead Phat personally pays each month for all this goodness.

As you know, this site is not about pocketing the dough while the membership adds all the value like another Miata site. Everything that's collected here is reinvested toward the membership.

So, the question is, would you be willing to kick in a few bucks (or Yen) toward the general welfare in exchange for an increased inbox? Because optionally, you could just delete all the old, irrelevant PMs and be golden.

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 02:16 AM
Hahahahaha! It's an economy of scale my friend. Technically, it's a flip of the admin switch but behind the scenes is the overhead Phat personally pays each month for all this goodness.

As you know, this site is not about pocketing the dough while the membership adds all the value like another Miata site. Everything that's collected here is reinvested toward the membership.

So, the question is, would you be willing to kick in a few bucks (or Yen) toward the general welfare in exchange for an increased inbox? Because optionally, you could just delete all the old, irrelevant PMs and be golden.

I don't care.. I'm trying to throw money at you communists and you won't take it! Go ahead and re-invest it into the state! I don't care. I just want a freaking larger PM box like almost everyone else.

And I want my username to be in Pink font..

09-29-2013, 02:56 AM
Personally, I think an enormous PM box would be ideal but even as a worker bee here, I have to concede that that I have to operate within my limitations.

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 03:07 AM
I'll just assume you're drunk right now and will disavow your statement for the moment. We are certainly not drunk at the moment and will grant you a moment of weakness because we're cool like that.

DK doesn't drink..

In fact, I haven't drank in 10 months..

And anyway, I want a larger PM box.. and I want to give you guys money so Phat doesn't have to put the team on his back.

I also just realized pink font here is for people that are banned... not what I meant lol.

Something like this, they bestowed this on me on my other forum.. and I've grown fond of it.

but on some real levels, free up the free market, we want to give you bros money.. least you can do is have a donate button. I'm sure people would do that with no strings attached at the very least.

09-29-2013, 03:09 AM
Donate some freakin Yen our way and we can start openning channels for you for cyring out loud!

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 03:12 AM
Donate some freakin Yen our way and we can start openning channels for you for cyring out loud!

(translated.. show me where, I'll give you all the dirty "money" you want)

09-29-2013, 03:16 AM
Well first, please don't live and die by the dollar here... Yeah, your system is cool but we're a Miata forum with all the reservations and acceptance possible. And while we appreciate your skills, what is it exactly that you wish to teach to us?

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 03:18 AM
Well first, please don't live and die by the dollar here... Yeah, your system is cool but we're a Miata forum with all the reservations and acceptance possible.


where do I donate? Is what I'm asking......

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 03:20 AM
Also.. I'm not saying to make a profit.. whatever extra you guys get.. throw it back into the site. It's your call... but we want special stuffs, and we're willing to pay!

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 03:26 AM
How about this.. make a pole of how many people would even be willing to just donate.. I'll be the first hand up. I don't care if any benefits come out of it or not.. that's the way my other forum runs and I donate near $40 a year, and that's just me. No special bonuses except for a different title that says "supporting member" but that's it.

Make a pole, see what I'm saying..

and then if you guys decide throwing in some benefits is a good deal, then add it on later. But it's kind of short sighted to not have made a donate button at the very least.

09-29-2013, 03:33 AM
So what would be your ideal scenario here at mr.net? Just curious...

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 03:44 AM
For me?

Stage 1: just implementing the possibility to donate. That's a start. Whatever excess money you guys have, can be put towards a raffle every quarter/month/year whatever. People will gladly donate, especially if it's available. My other forum has an announcement every 6 months to remind members to donate. You don't have to, but it makes it easier on Hugh (the owner).

Stage 2: Supporting members benefits. For those that did donate.. special characters/fonts for their names color changes.. whatever. the generic stuff, and a PM box bump in size (nothing major, but probably about twice what it is now.. because lets face it.. it's pitifully small).

Stage 3: Subscribed members if at all possible. For those that agree to pay a monthly subscription fee (like $3 or 5.. whatever) even higher increased PM box sizes.. special titles they can write (like the forum that shall not be named), badges.. whatever. Maybe even a forum for paid members (never was a huge fan of those since the rules were the same in those than as it were on the outside.. however if you made the exception for major rules in there... could be nice).

That's what I'd like to see.. of course this isn't what I'm demanding or what other people want.. this is just me.

The only thing I'm demanding is the possibility to donate.. and an increased PM box size.

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 03:45 AM
Oh yeah.. and the possibility to have freaking awesome signatures here.. increased signature sizes.. and the possibility to allow gifs. Etc etc.

09-29-2013, 05:58 AM
This got put on the back burner due to other projects we are working on behind the scenes. But we did discuss a level of member based sponsorship, I will look into this again.

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 06:03 AM
This got put on the back burner due to other projects we are working on behind the scenes. But we did discuss a level of member based sponsorship, I will look into this again.

Hail Phitler!!

Thanks man, super appreciate it.

09-29-2013, 07:35 AM
Hail Phitler!!

Thanks man, super appreciate it.

Hail Phitler? Really? Is that supposed to be funny? (hint: it's not)

DK, you do seem to have something to contribute but you shoot yourself in the foot with comments like that. It appears, from my vantage point, that your suggestions have gotten attention and consideration. If you want to affect change, keep it positive, and maybe you'll get a few more members to chime in with you. As it is, even if members are in complete agreement with you, they are going to be hesitant to speak up because of the tone you have set. Power in numbers, my friend.

Just a suggestion, but rather than sparring individually, try recruiting other members to your side. You can start your own polls or initiate some discussion threads without taking on the admins directly. And just know that references to war criminals is distasteful, over the top, been done to death, and is simply boring.

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 07:59 AM
DK, you do seem to have something to contribute but you shoot yourself in the foot with comments like that. It appears, from my vantage point, that your suggestions have gotten attention and consideration. If you want to affect change, keep it positive, and maybe you'll get a few more members to chime in with you. As it is, even if members are in complete agreement with you, they are going to be hesitant to speak up because of the tone you have set. Power in numbers, my friend.

Just a suggestion, but rather than sparring individually, try recruiting other members to your side. You can start your own polls or initiate some discussion threads without taking on the admins directly.

Meh, it'd be lame to start a poll without letting the mods know. It's kind of blind siding them if there was no discussion regarding it earlier.. our last poll took place after discussion and the mods created it seeking a verdict. I don't see an issue with the way that went down and I'll continue the same way. If I was a mod, I'd be pretty annoyed if they started a random poll like that.. there was hardly a mention or a discussion about it, and those turn up to be circlejerks without actual constructive suggestions put in.. and it's less effective than waiting for the mods to acknowledge it and come back when they're ready.

And I mod on my other forum. I'm quite familiar with expectations from their vantage point, people will collaborate when it's time.

And just know that references to war criminals is distasteful, over the top, been done to death, and is simply boring.

I'm glad you have that opinion. However I must stress that although it's a joke in bad taste, don't let it sour your cereal too much. It might end up bothering you more than it should.

09-29-2013, 03:07 PM
The Cap'ns morning flakes taste just fine. Don't you go graying your hairs over that.


09-29-2013, 03:13 PM
Man, good thing I didn't see that on my cereal box or I would have been traumatized as a kid.

DK Wolf
09-29-2013, 05:50 PM
Capt Crunch is looking pretty gnarly. That's one salty seaman.