This is the only pic I have of what my miata looked like before I started my M2 1028 parts quest. The 15” BBS RA II rims I bought when I was going to make my own ‘M edition”, but that never occurred. I also added the mazda trunk lip spoiler and Autoblaze fuel lid. Who knows, that trunk spoiler might resurface sometime in the future. The original top lasted me almost 15 years – not too bad for vinyl and a plastic window. 100_0278.jpg

I had picked up a rough set of the M2 1028 Vitaloni California Sebring door mirrors just before my M2 epiphany. The bases are painted aluminum and are embossed with “M2 Incorporated”. I was able to find the parts needed to refurbish them, and I even went a bit baller and picked up a set of the blue tint Zoom Engineering mirrors to put in them. Later on, I was also able to find the torx head screws that were originally used to mount them and I have also painted the mirror shells PZ black to go with the car & the M2 1028 theme.
Using the mirrors took a bit of getting used to, but they are awesome IMHO.
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