Heard from the rebuilder yesterday that they had disassembled my ‘charger and taken some pictures. Spoke with them today on the way forward. There were several things wrong that are a direct result of the incompetence of the last place working on it, I am more than a little bit peeved about that. Too much time has passed for me to address it. The biggest problem was a score on the shaft sleeve the other place had to put on, which over time chewed up the seal causing the leakage I saw. Here is how that looked (and how it made it out of that facility I will never know):

The score is readily apparent above the thumb on the hand in the picture. I had a good idea this would cost more than the base rebuild but it is quite a bit more. On the plus side, I will have new rotors, a new snout shaft with bearing and seal, new needle bearings, new timing gears and a new gear plate. Let the buyer beware is a real warning.