Fair enough.

My additional thoughts are as follows:
What is the turnaround on the 2 year warranty? What exactly does it cover? If you blow a shock or it breaks, but has to be replaced repeatedly, what's the benefit?

I would ask "Has anyone driven on rough roads with racelands and had them break? If so, what was your experience with the warranty?

Could you find a set of decent used springs for $100 and lower the car that way? Are you somehow avoiding taxes and duty on racelands that you can't by sourcing the OEM shocks locally? (I admittedly spent no more than 13.8 seconds searching for that.)

I'm just trying to give you other options. Slamming your car on racelands ultimately de-values the car, but that's my opinion (obviously.) When shopping for a miata, I'll walk away from a car on racelands because it causes me to question what other cheap shortcuts were taken.