finally installed the garage star license plate bracket (type I)
and it was a pain in the @ !!!

why? because its not for nc's..

lets star the fun/boring post:

when i decided to relocate the license plate, i got the garage star type 1 bracket plate, its strong, really nice, but the problem is to install, if you don't wanna drill holes in your car, don't try this, if you do, beware, its hard

i was trying first to install the place going trough the grill, it didnt work, you need a custom metal place similar to a "["

why? the closest metal frame is 4 inches away to the top, and you need to clear off the towing hole and the screw to remove the bumper, i tried to remove the bottom part, but in that moment, i wish i could live close to mr woolery, because it was impossible to remove at such height, this was the original position desired

that was the test, so, the only option was to drill a hole to install a screw, and because i cannot remove the plastic bottom, i got cut/scratched/f&%K bad, so i put a can trying to get some space to holes the screw, then i finally finished, this was the result

it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far to the left, so, i drilled a new hole xD, but the when i was ready to install, the weight of the plate was too much, so i cut a "strip of metal" to make it stronger.

so by the time i was ready to suffer more, my little brother showed up and helped me finish, and this is the final look, i think its a little too low, so i will try to get it going up with 2 metal strips to hold the license plate

tomorrow i'll post a better pic, i think looks cool, some of my friends think its cool, others think it sucks

any feedback compadres?