Hey everyone! Just bought my first Miata, finally, after about 20 years of lusting after one. I know, weird car to lust after. I guess it's the whole bang-per-buck appeal of it.

Anyway, after months of trolling Craigslist and being either ignored or having cars sold out from under me, I found a pretty clean 1990 w/ power windows, a crappy aftermarket head unit and factory LSD (according to the owner) with only 78k miles. I would have preferred a 1.8L but I took what I could get. Plus, it's bone stock and upon initial inspection, all the mechanicals and electricals work great. Interior is super clean, bodywork is straight, a little rust on the drivers side rocker and the paint sucks. But she's all mine.

My plans for the car are mainly to autox it and occasional summer cruising. Already ordered a hard dog roll bar and my next mod will likely be some Flyin Miata frame rail braces, Koni yellow shocks and a ground control spring kit. A set of 6ULs and tires (undecided) will come later. I'm broke and this is a slow, long term build.

Looking forward to becoming a part of the roadster community and learning all kinds of nerdy things about weight transfer and suspension geometry and crap like that!