I haven't forgotten this thread even though I should have updated it much sooner. It's been eight months and several rainy days and hand washes later and the black parts are still almost as black as when I first applied. About a month after I applied it to the wiper cowl, I even took a scrub pad during a car wash and tried to abrade part of it, rubbing the hell out of it. No luck. It's still as black as the rest of the cowl cover.

When it comes to interior vinyl, it's mixed results. I did a test patch on the arm rest and even through friction with a sweaty right elbow, this stuff just won't wear out which is unfortunate since I should have cleaned the surface first. Now, I'm stuck with locked-in "dirt" but that's my fault. So, on some vinyls, it'll shine the hell out of them but on others like door panels and dash, it doesn't last more than a week. I can't say which because every car is different but given that this stuff costs a small fortune, you probably don't want to waste a lot on the interior just to test. I suspect the Miata dash would be a good candidate but only have a single ounce to work with and try it.

In short, this works but the secret is in the application. Make sure to scrub or at least wash the part well. Then apply liberally, although a little goes a long way so when the commercial says that 1oz. is enough to do a whole car, you might be tempted to skimp since it's $20 per ounce but given the longevity of the product, it is worth it in my opinion to gob it on, even better if you jump on the "but that's not all, we'll double your order" deal. So far, the double-deal is only when ordered on TV but I expect sometime in the future, the stores will carry the 2oz. bottles for $20.

Updated photos are forthcoming but as a warning, they're unremarkable since the shiny black parts are still shiny black.