As mentioned earlier, Jazz came with a set of shiny 5zigen wheels. The 5zigens were nice and unique on a Miata (haven't seen many 5zigens on Miatas, a couple on CR), but I wanted to change the wheels. I happened to find a set of 949Racing 6ULs for sale locally, so off came the 5zigens and on went the 6ULs.

The 6ULs were both wider and lighter than the 5zigens (6ULs: 12.8lbs, 8" wide vs 5zigens: 15lbs(!!), 7" wide). I kind of wish I kept the 5zigens as my daily wheels, but I'm in college, so I can't keep everything...yet.

It was at this point I picked up a camera, and started messing around with photos. This was a good point because I began to browse other forums for sources of inspiration of how to take pictures of a Miata. Through that, I began to take notice of the endless possibilities of modifications available for Miatas. I think it's reasonable to say I got bit by the "mod bug" then...