Important Information

We will update this as needed, and more frequently when we are closer to the event date.

Event Admissions and Raffle Ticket with Goodie Bags
(Limit ONE Raffle Ticket per Miatapalooza Admision
Again, Admission is $5.00 Per Person in order to get entry ticket, raffle ticket, and Goodie Bag
We have to charge a small admission to cover the expenses of Renting this large of a property
We will have a lot of cool stuff this time around, don't miss out!

Admission Tickets will Be on sale the day of the show.

We will be updating the list of vendors sponsoring the event raffles as well as some vendors setting up booths!
We will have a large raffle with a lot of cool prizes (TBA), as well as event tee-shirts and event stickers !!!